Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

Skenario Drama Maleficent

Skenario Drama Maleficent 

*udah dirubah sedikit

Let us tell an old story anew and we will see how well you know it. Once upon a time there were two kingdoms that were the worst of neighbors. So vast was the discord between them that it was said only a great hero or a terrible villain might bring them together. In one kingdom lived folk like you and me with a vain and greedy king to rule over them. They were forever discontent and envious of the wealth and beauty of their neighbors. For in the other kingdom, the Moors lived every manner of strange and wonderful creature.And they needed neither king nor queen but trusted in one another. In a great treeon a great cliff in the Moors lived one such spirit,You might take her for a girl, but she was not just any girl. She was a fairy. There you go.And her name was Maleficent.

Maleficent: “Good morning. Lovely work, girls! What's all the fuss about?”
Thistlewit: “The border guards have discov...”
Flittle : “Why do you get to tell her? I want to tell her!”
Thistlewit : “I want to!”
Flittle:  “No, you told last time”
Thistlewit: “The border guards have found a human thief at the pool of jewels.”
Flittle : “Heyy!” (marah)
MF: “Really?” (sambil meninggalkan mereka)

MF: “Who are you? What are you doing? Come out!”
Stefan: “No. You mean to kill me.”
MF : “No! Come out.Come out this instant! Are you fully grown?”
Stefan: “No.”
MF: “I believe he's just a boy.”
Stefan: “And you're just a girl.”
MF: “Who are you?”
Stefan: “I'm called Stefan. Who are you?”
MF: “I'm Maleficent. You have to give it back.” (MF menyodorkan tangannya)
Stefan: “Give what back?” (akhirnya Stefan mengembalikan batu permata)
(mereka berdua berjalan keluar sambil berbicara)
Stefan: “Someday, you know, I'll live there. In the castle.”
MF: “Where do you live now?”
Stefan: “In a barn. We'll see each other again. if I came back, would you be here?”
MF: “Perhaps.” (mereka bersalaman)
Stefan: “What's wrong?”
MF: “Your ring. Iron burns fairies.”
Stefan: “ I'm sorry. (membuang cincin) I like your wings.” (memegang sayap maleficent)

Maleficent thought of how Stefan cast away his ring,he who had so little in the world,so that their hands might touch again and her heart was moved. Thus did the young thief who had hoped to steal a jewel. steal something far more precious. Maleficent’s heart.

Stefan: “Maleficent! Maleficent!” (sambil mencari-cari)
MF: “look who came back. So, what do you do for fun?” (mereka bersenang senang seharian mengobrol)

Stefan and Maleficent became the most unlikely of friends. And for a time it seemed as if, in them at least. the old hatred between men and fairies had been forgotten. As it will, friendship slowly turned into something else.And on her 16th birthday...

(Stefan gave Maleficent a gift)
Stefan: “ I Love You Maleficent!”
MF: “I Love you too.”
Stefan: “It is true love, dear.”

But it was not to be.Not true love. As the years passed, Stefan's ambition pulled him away from Maleficent. and towards the temptations of the human kingdom. While Maleficent,the strongest of the fairies.rose to become the protector of the Moors.Maleficent often wandered alone and sometimes wondered where Stefan might be, for she had never understood the greed and envy of men. But she was to learn. For the human king had heardof a growing power in the Moors, he want to crush the moors...

King Henry: “Cough cough. I will die soon. The one who can kill the fairy  will be the next king and  marry my daughter.”
(Stefan berniat untuk membunuh maleficent)

Meanwhile in Moors..

Stefan: “Maleficent! Maleficent!” (sambil mencari)
MF: “So, how is life with the humans?”
Stefan: “Maleficent, I've come to warn you. They mean to kill you. King Henry will stop at nothing. Please, you have to trust me. They spoke of many things.”
(Maleficent mengangguk, mereka duduk bersama)
Stefan: “You thirsty?”
MF : “Yes” (dia meminum dan tertidur)
Stefan: “Maleficent?”
 (ia berada di kembimbangan, ia mengelus maleficent untuk terakhir kalinya dan merasa sangat berdosa.Ia bermuka cemas, menghirup udara tersengal-sengal, ia mengangkat pisau untuk membunuh maleficent, tetapi ia tak bisa. Ia berpiikir ntuk memotong sayapnya saja. Matanya berkaca-kaca dan memotong sayap maeficent dengan hati-hati)

Stefan: “I am sorry, maleficent” (dengan suara lirih)

In the morning..

MF: (Maleficent terbangun seorang diri, ia merasakan sakit) “Argghh arghh..” (ia mengangis marah tidak percaya bahwa sayapnya sudah tak ada dan berteriak sekencang-kencanngnya)

In the castle..

King henry: “What is this?”
Stefan: “I have avenged you, sire.”
King Henry: “She is vanquished? You have done well, my son. You have done what others feared to do. You will be rewarded. “
Stefan: “ I shall do my best to be a worthy successor, Your Majesty.”  (Stefan menunduk)

(Maleficent berjalan sendiri dan melihat burung terkapar, ia mengubahnya menjadi manusia)

MF: “You wicked bird! lnto a man.”
Diaval: “What have you done to my beautiful self?”
MF: “Would you rather I let them beat you to death? Stop complaining. I saved your life.”
Diaval: “Forgive me.”
MF: “What do I call you?”
Diaval: “Diaval. And in return for saving my life, I am your servant.”

In the morning..

Maleficent: “What’s up?”
Diaval: “Well, I saw nothing. But there's been a...”
MF: “What?”
Diaval: “Child. King Stefan and the Queen have had a child.”
MF: “A grand celebration for a baby.” (tersenyum sinis)

In the castle..

(Flittle datang niat baik)
Flittle: “ Look, there's the baby! I love babies! Love babies! Oh!” ( ia menunduk) “I am Flittle from the moors, kingship!”
Ratu: “They bring gifts for our daughter.”
Flittle: “These are not just any old gifts, for, you see, we're magic!”
Ratu: “Very well.”
Flittle: “Sweet Aurora, I wish for you the gift of beauty. My wish is that you will never be blue, only happy, all the days of your life. Sweet baby, “(Flittle menengok)
Flittle: “Maleficent! Maleficent!”
MF: “What a glittering assemblage, King Stefan. Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and... How quaint. Even the rabble. I must say. I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation. “(muka memelas)
Stefan: “You're not welcome here.”
MF: “What an awkward situation.”
Ratu: “You're not offended?”
MF: “Why, no.” (muka sinis) “I, too, shall bestow a gift on the child.”
Stefan: “No! We don't want your gift!”
MF: “Listen well, all of you. The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who meet her.”
Ratu: “That's a lovely gift.”
Stefan: “Don't do this.”
MF: “But before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep like death, a sleep from which she will never awaken.”
Stefan: “Maleficent, please don't do this, I'm begging you.”
MF: “I like you begging. Do it again.”
Stefan: “I beg you.”  (berlutut)
MF: “The princess can be woken from her death sleep, but only by true love's kiss. This curse will last till the end of time! No power on Earth can change it.”

Secretly, he entrusted the safety of the child to the magic of the pixies who would take her to a remote hideaway for 16 years and a day. Stefan shut himself behind the walls of his castle while his soldiers rode far and wide to hunt Maleficent down.But she made walls of her own,that the Moors might never again suffer the touch of any human. And she reveled in the sorrow that her curse had brought.The fairies began their charge to raise Aurora in a snug little cottage in the woods.

Thistlewit: ”No! Is this it?”
Flittle: “ Looks dreadful.”
Thistlewit: “Come on. We are three peasant women raising our orphan child in the woods.”
Flittle: “ Yes. No magic?”
Thistlewit: “Yes, you heard.” (sambil meninggalkan bayi dan kembali lagi) There you are. Why are you always hiding?”
(Flittle and Thistlewit tertidur)
MF: “it's so ugly, you could almost feel sorry for it. Arghh (menakuti)Why are you smiling? I hate you. Beasty.”

The fairies were perhaps unequal to their task...

Thistlewit: “Why is she crying?”
Flittle: “I think she might be hungry.”
Tistlewit: “Then feed her!”
Flittle: “There you are. And there are.”  (memberi wortel)

(Merek duduk dan bermain UNO, sementara diaval memberinya susu secara diam-diam)
Flittle: “What? You're cheating.I saw that!”
Thistlewit: “No!”
Flittle: “I Hate you greedy! Take care Aurora alone! I will go to the moors! I Hate you!”

After Aurora have grown up..

(Aurora berjalan-jalan sementara Maleficent mengintip)
Aurora: “I know you're there. Don't be afraid.”
MF: “I am not afraid.”
Aurora: “Then come out.”
MF: “Then you'll be afraid.”
Aurora: “No, I won't. I know who you are. You're my Fairy Godmother. You've been watching over me my whole life. Your shadow. It's been following me ever since I was small.”
 (Aurora melihat Diaval)
MF: “This is Diaval.”
(Maleficent and Aurora berbicara terus dan maleficent meniup aurora dan aurora tertidur)
MF: “They're so beautiful. I revoke the curse. Let it be no more. I revoke the curse. Let it be no more. I revoke my curse!”

This curse will last till the end of time. No power on Earth can change it...

(MF meniup aurora lagi dan aurora terbangun)
Aurora: “Do all the Fair People have wings?”
MF: “Most do.”
Aurora: “Then why don't you? All the other fairies fly.”
MF:  “I had wings once. They were stolen from me.”
Aurora: “What color were they? Were they big?”
MF: “So big And they were strong. Aurora? There's something I need to tell you.”
Aurora: “What is it?”
MF: “There is an evil in this world, and I cannot keep you from it.”
Aurora: “I'm almost 16, Godmother.I can take care of myself. I have a plan. When I'm older,I'm going to live here in the Moors with you. I'm going to tell my aunties tomorrow.”
MF: (tersenyum dan beranjak) “I will go awhile.”
(Phillips datang)
Phillips: “Hello.I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm on my way to King Stefan's castle and I've become hopelessly lost.Can you help me?” (Aurora mundur-mundur dan tersandung)
Philips: “I'm sorry. That was my fault.”
Aurora: “What's your name?”
Phillips: “It's Philip.”
Aurora: “Hello, Philip.”
Phillips: “What's yours?”
Aurora: “Aurora.”
Phillips: “Hello, Aurora. Well, it was nice meeting you. Good bye.”
Aurora: “Goodbye, Philip.”

Tomorrow is Aurora's 16th birthday and Aurora tell to her aunts. Now, she know everything..

Aurora: “Fairy Godmother!”
MF: “I'm here.”
Aurora: “When were you going to tell me that I'm cursed? My aunts said it was an evil fairy. They said it was...”
MF: “Maleficent.”
Aurora: “Are you Maleficent?”
(Maleficent ingin menyentuh Aurora)
Aurora: “Don't touch me. You're the evil that's in the world. It's you!”

Aurora is running to the castle to meet her father. But her father lock her in bedroom..

Aurora: “My father lock me. Why? “ (ia bingung, ia menoleh ke jarum dan menusukkan jari ke jarum itu. Ia terjatuh di pangkuan Thistlewit. Stefan juga datang)

Stefan: “Look at what you've done.”
Thistlewit: “She's only sleeping.”
Stefan: “She's only sleeping, you say? She's only sleeping forever!” (dia mendorong Thistlewit)
Thistlewit: “What about the kiss? Yes! True love's kiss!”
Stefan: “True love does not exist.”  (dan pergi) (Thistlewit mondar mandir bingung dan melihat Phillips datang)
Thistlewit: “Why have you come?”
Phillips: “King John of Ulstead.”
Thistlewit: “A Prince!”
Phillips: “Aurora.” (melihat aurora) “Why is she sleeping?”
Thistlewit: “She's trapped in an enchantment. Do you want to kiss her?”
Phillips: “Of course.”
Thistlewit: “Go on, then.”

Phillips: “No! I am embrassed.” (Phillips lari dan Thistlewit mengejar)
(Maleficent dan Diaval masuk)
MF: “I told you.I will not ask your forgiveness because what I have done to you is unforgivable.I was so lost in hatred and revenge.Sweet Aurora, you stole what was left of my heart. And now I have lost you forever. I swear, no harm will come to you as long as I live. And not a day shall pass that I don't miss your smile.” (mata maleficent berkaca-kaca dan menangis sambil mencium Aurora) (Aurora terbangun)

Aurora: “Hello, Godmother.” (tersenyum)
MF: “Hello, beasty.” (tersenyum)
Diaval: “It’s true love.”
(Stefan masuk ruangan)
Stefan: “Heyy you! What are you doing?” (sambil akan menancapkan pisau ke arah maleficent, mereka bertengkar dan Stefan jatuh dan mati)

And she invited Aurora to see how the Moors had been once long ago, when Maleficent was but a child and her heart was bright. For now, it was again. But that was not all..

MF: “We present this crownto our little Aurora”

Our kingdoms have been unified. You have your queen. So you see, the story is not quite as you were told,and I should know,for I was the one they called Sleeping Beauty. In the end, my kingdom was united not by a hero or a villain,as legend had predicted but by one who was
both hero and villain.And her name was Maleficent..

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